Ashmore Rare Coins & Metals began as a Jewelry and Coin business in the 1980's and in the early 2000's it became obvious that the precious metals market was going to be a "big deal." We had long standing relationships with quite a few coin dealers and jewelry businesses, so the next step came naturally. Tom Palmer, Kim Harrison, and Ash Harrison opened the store on 5725 W. Friendly Avenue in Greensboro, NC and we added the pawn shops and the public to our customer base. We vowed to stay on top of the market by paying top-dollar to our respective clients and we have maintained that level to this day. (OK, that being said, it seems everyone makes that claim, but truly only one can pay the most. We have consistently found that we pay between 5 and 30% more than our competitors on precious metals, and in some absurd circumstances, we have been more than double particular dealers). We are buyers of Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium bullion; Gold, Silver and Platinum jewelry (new, used, or scrap); and Sterling Silver silverware (and hollowware). 99% of what we buy is sold in the wholesale market, but we can sell you any of these items as well—and it is highly likely we will be the lowest price seller you will encounter!!!
The precious metals market is a very low-margin market and is very sensitive to market fluctuations. But we are quite accustomed to this market and our business is based on volume, not margin. We have outstanding relationships with two different major refineries, and because we have a very high volume with them, we receive their highest payout levels. This, in turn, is passed on to our customers. In fact, it is quite likely that we can pay you more than you could get by going direct to a refinery yourself. There are quite a few fees and "gotchas" in dealing direct that take years to understand and for which to correct. Unless you are doing multi-million dollar deals in gold, you should use Ashmore Rare Coins & Metals as your gateway to the refinery. We can solve so many headaches for you. Check in with us and we will explain this in detail. We love to educate our customers.
Ashmore Rare Coins & Metals
5725 W. Friendly Ave., #112 | Greensboro, NC 27410 | (336) 617-7537
Store Hours: Mon. – Fri.: 10 am – 5:30 pm | Sat.: 11 am – 3 pm | Sun: Closed
Helpful Links:
VAM World Discussion Board | Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) | Ashmore Ebay Store
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